
Town of Ludbreg

According to legends, Ludbreg is located in the very center of the world, and the world's major metropolises are located on the edges of concentric circles that spread out from it. True or not, the charm of Ludbreg, that historic, lively town nestling on the slopes of Kalnik and the plain of the Bednja River, deserves to be told about by legends. Ludbreg is located in the north-west of Croatia, at the place where the extreme slopes of the Kalnica Mountains descend into the Podravina plain. The river Bednja flows through the city, towards the nearby mouth of the Drava, creating a gentle but diverse landscape. Excellent traffic connections with all major urban centers of continental Croatia, especially Zagreb, make Ludbreg an easily accessible destination for enjoying its cultural and historical heritage, and the diverse landscape that surrounds it offers numerous opportunities for spending an active vacation or an exciting excursion. Although it belongs to the smaller towns with its slightly less than nine thousand inhabitants, today Ludbreg is a true center of processing industry, trade and crafts with three business zones. In addition to the above, the people of Ludbreg are also engaged in agriculture, the most prominent of which are flower growing, vegetable growing, beekeeping and viticulture, and in Ludbreg and the surrounding area there are a large number of OPGs and wineries open specifically for tourists who want to enjoy their offer.

Town Ludbreg is a modern town that is pleasant to live in, a town that focuses on education and raising the quality of life, and a town that creates additional opportunities for its citizens through the introduction of innovative cultural, tourist and social activities into the sphere of everyday life.

Ludbreg offers its residents quality education programs from early and preschool to high school education.

Erina Stančin || Email: || Tel: +38542420219

Elementary School Ludbreg

Elementary School Ludbreg was chosen as a partner because there is a need to upgrade the existing education system, to strengthen the capacity, knowledge and skills of teachers in new ways of teaching and the need of students for new ways of transferring knowledge that match their wishes and possibilities. Elementary School Ludbreg enables direct outreach to target groups, teachers, other teaching staff and students. The partner will implement activity1 related to capacity building and professional training of teachers and other teaching staff in the field of STEM teaching. The partner will organize training for teachers and other teaching staff in teaching in STEM fields and STEM teaching methods, training for future teacher trainers in STEM teaching, conduct workshops, lectures and summer schools, organize the participation of other teachers from Varaždin County at an international conference and ensure the transfer of good practices from Norway to Croatia in the STEM teaching segment.

Tihomir Horvat || Email: || Tel: +385917886281

Elementary school Veliki Bukovec

Elementary school Veliki Bukovec was chosen as a partner because there is a need to upgrade the existing education system, to strengthen the capacity, knowledge and skills of teachers in new ways of teaching and the need of students for new ways of transferring knowledge that match their wishes and possibilities. Elementary school enables direct outreach to target groups, teachers, other teaching staff and students. The partner will implement activity 2, which relates to capacity building and professional training of teachers and other teaching staff in the field of teaching ICT and entrepreneurship. The partner will organize training for teachers and other teaching staff for the introduction of new ways of teaching ICT and entrepreneurship, training for future teachers, trainers for ICT and entrepreneurship, workshops, lectures and summer schools, and will introduce and apply information, communication and other forms of new technology in upbringing and education for all involved partners.

Željka Marković Bilić || || Tel:+385914362423

Sveti Đurđ Elementary School

Sveti Đurđ Elementary School was chosen as a partner because there is a need to upgrade the existing education system, to strengthen the capacity, knowledge and skills of teachers in new ways of teaching and the need of students for new ways of transferring knowledge that match their wishes and possibilities. Elementary school enables direct outreach to target groups, teachers, other teaching staff and students. The partner will carry out activity 4, which refers specifically to students and to strengthening their capacities, knowledge and skills through the design and organization of field classes and workshops in the field of ICT and entrepreneurship, as well as the preparation and implementation of innovative and interactive content for students in primary schools that are based on new technologies and scientific discoveries.

Mario Bontek || Email: || Tel:+385992297450

Polytechnic of Međimurje - MEV

Polytechnic of Međimurje in Čakovec is a higher education institution that represents a center of excellence for highly specialized, expert and scientific work, which provides quality and effective education based on the concept of lifelong learning, responsibility towards knowledge as a public good, mobility and the development of human potential as the most important values of society. Through active cooperation with the economy, partnership for further development of the community, involvement in the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area and a high level of organizational structure, the university will demonstrate its public responsibility and contribute to the transition to a knowledge society. MEV was chosen as a partner because of its experience in developing new educational programs and because of its existing studies that are focused on the development and application of STEM skills, such as sustainable construction, thermotechnical engineering and eco-engineering, physics, chemistry and thermodynamics, which are also areas of which we will focus on in the project. MEV will carry out activity 3, which refers to the creation of an educational program in the field of STEM for students within the framework of extracurricular and extracurricular activities, the design and organization of workshops for students in the field of STEM, the preparation and implementation of innovative and interactive content for students in primary schools on the topic of STEM popularization and on the design and organization of field teaching in the field of STEM.

MEV je odabran kao partner zbog svojeg iskustva u razvoju novih obrazovnih programa te zbog svojih postojećih studija koji su usmjereni na razvoj i primjenu STEM vještina, poput održive gradnje, termotehničkog strojarstva i ekoinženjerstva, fizike, kemije i termodinamike, a što su ujedno i područja na koja ćemo se u projektu fokusirati. MEV će provoditi aktivnost 3 koja se odnosi na izradu obrazovnog programa u području STEM-a za učenike u okviru izvannastavnih i izvanškolskih aktivnosti, osmišljavanje i organizaciju radionica za učenike u području STEM-a, priprema i implementacija inovativnih i interaktivnih sadržaja za učenik  u osnovnim školama na temu popularizacije STEM-a te na osmišljavanje i organizacija terenske nastave u području STEM-a.

Igor Klopotan || Email: || Tel: +38540396989

Varaždin County

Varaždin County was chosen as a partner because it is the legal founder of primary schools within the spatial scope of the project and enables the project's results to reach all primary schools and students in Varaždin County. The partner, as the founder, has the possibility of introducing new educational programs into the existing system of schools, and will offer educational institutions in its network to implement the educational programs and interactive contents that we will produce through the project in accordance with their needs in their daily work. The partner will implement activity 5, which refers to the testing and application of the created educational programs in primary schools in Vž. County, the organization and implementation of the exchange of good practice in the field of teaching methodologies between schools in the Republic of Croatia and schools in Norway and the development of a model for the application of STEM, ICT and entrepreneurship as a model of learning and teaching in new circumstances (COVID 19).

Robert Kelemen || Email: || Tel: +38542390542

NGO FIRST Scandinavia

FIRST Scandinavia is a Norwegian non-profit foundation with the aim to give children and youths a good learning experience with technology and science subjects. The organization manages FIRST Lego League in Scandinavia and is the developer and owner of the Newton Concept.

The Newton Concept engages children and youth around the world with quality, hands-on education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). A community-led partnership model is utilized to establish state-of-the-art learning environments – called Newton Rooms – in communities of all sizes. Local educators become Newton Teachers who are trained to deliver practical 21st-century learning to primary and secondary students in their region(s). Newton’s mission is to shape the future with great learning experiences.

NGO First Scandinavia was chosen because of its experience in preparing and implementing innovative educational programs in the STEM field, because of its experience in equipping and preparing specialized classrooms for STEM education, and because of its international network of partners in the field of education and implementation of education in the STEM field. The partner will carry out activity 6, which refers to the equipping of the Regional Center for Primary School Education in the STEM area and the equipping and functional establishment of 2 STEM classrooms. And it will participate in the implementation of activities 1,2,3,4 in such a way that it will support other partners in acquiring new knowledge, methods of teaching in the STEM field, will enable connection with educational subjects and schools in Norway and facilitate the transfer of knowledge and good practices

Maggie Skjelbred || Email: || Tel: +4795036990

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